Category: mental health recovery

Dry January | Mark Behavioral Health

5 Surprising Mental Health Benefits for Dry January

Dry January is an opportunity for adults to evaluate their relationship to alcohol consumption and decide if they want to make long-term changes to their drinking habits. In 2023, about 43% of adults in the U.S. said they wanted to complete the 31-day challenge.  Dry January started in the UK in 2013, and since then […]

Mental Health Recovery | Mark Behavioral Health

8 New Year’s Resolutions to Help with Mental Health Recovery

The holiday season can be tough on your mental health. Stress, family gatherings, and the end-of-year rush can leave you feeling drained or even trigger a relapse in your recovery journey. But with the new year comes a fresh start and the opportunity to set achievable goals that support your mental health recovery. While New […]
